Younger Chemists Committee: Call for Abstracts

Submission Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024

Program Chair(s): Taylor Keller, Allison Smith

Note: Submission deadlines are at 11:59 EST on the day posted. Symposia, organizers and deadlines are subject to change. Last updated September 18, 2024.

Title    Type    Submission Type Organizer Cosponsor Description
Biopharma 101: Transition to Industry (Invited) Oral Invited
    National Lab Jobs 101: Transitioning into a National Laboratory Role (Invited) Oral Invited
    • I&EC
    US National Laboratories are leading government institutes that have led scientific innovation for o...
    Science & Social-Media: Building your Brand & Stepping into Social Media (Invited) Oral Invited
    • SOCED
    Scientists have been increasingly embracing social media to communicate within and beyond the scient...
    Starting a Successful Research Program at a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution (Invited) Oral Invited
      Many new faculty members at predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs) do not have a good under...
      Sun, Sand, and Sustainability: Early Career Researchers Forging Advances in Marine Chemistry Oral Contributed
      • ENVR
      • ANYL
      This symposium is open to all topics of marine chemistry, geochemistry, environmental chemistry, and...
      Virtual Graduate Students Symposium in Asia-Pacific Region on Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Oral Contributed
        Submissions to this symposium are encouraged. Please communicate with Gary Patterson (gp9a@andrew.c...