Division of Medicinal Chemistry: Call for Abstracts

Submission Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024

Program Chair(s): Nicole Goodwin, Amjad Ali

Note: Submission deadlines are at 11:59 EST on the day posted. Symposia, organizers and deadlines are subject to change. Last updated September 18, 2024.

Title    Type    Submission Type Organizer Cosponsor Description
A Medicinal Chemist’s Toolbox: Drug Metabolism and Pathways in an Era of Increasing Structural Complexity Oral Contributed
    The last decade has seen a significant expansion in the development and deployment of new functional...
    Advancements in the Toolbox for Targeted Protein Degradation Oral Contributed
      Targeted protein degradation (TPD), which leverages the innate ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) usi...
      Advances and Perspectives of Cannabis Research in Medicinal Chemistry, Analysis and Bioanalysis (Invited) Oral Invited
        Autophagy As a Target and Ally in Drug Discovery Oral Contributed
          Autophagy is a lysosome-mediated catabolic process that regulates cellular homeostasis. Dysfunctiona...
          Biopharma 101: Transition to Industry (Invited) Oral Invited
            Developing Countermeasures for Viruses of Pandemic Potential Oral Contributed
              As the recent COVID-19 pandemic underscores, we are globally unprepared for the re/emerging viral pa...
              Direct-to-biology Screening Platforms as an Emerging Approach to Accelerate Drug Discovery Oral Contributed
                High-throughput and rapid biological evaluation of small molecules is an essential factor in the com...
                DNA-Encoded Libraries for Drug Discovery Oral Contributed
                  DNA-encoded libraries (DELs) have emerged as a powerful screening tool for hit identification and of...
                  Drugging Protein-protein Interactions in Complex Interactomes: Target Identification, Assay Development, and Rational Design Oral Contributed
                    Proteins interact with other proteins to govern almost every aspect of life. Since these interaction...
                    First Time Disclosures (Invited) Oral Invited
                      From Shots to Pills: The Breakthrough Invention of Oral Small Molecule Anti-obesity Medications Oral Contributed
                        Obesity presents a significant global public health challenge, with implications ranging from type 2...
                        General Orals Oral Contributed
                          General Posters Poster Contributed
                            Harnessing Institutional Knowledge to Accelerate the Discovery of Medicines (Invited) Oral Invited
                              Honoring Peter B. Dervan for Pioneering Contributions to DNA Recognition (Invited) Oral Invited
                                The symposium will honor the 80th birthday of Peter Dervan through a session devoted to celebrating ...
                                Humans and Robots: A Symbiotic Relationship Driving Innovation in Synthesis and Drug Discovery (Invited) Oral Invited
                                  The march-of-the-machines is happening at pace in the chemical sciences. Both industry and academia ...
                                  MEDI Award Sessions (Invited) Oral Invited
                                    Molecular Chameleons in Action: Exploring Macrocycles Versatility in Drug Discovery Oral Contributed
                                      Macrocycles have emerged successfully as a versatile chemical modality in drug discovery. They are c...
                                      New Advances in Small Molecule Targets in Neuroscience Oral Contributed
                                        Recently there have been significant breakthroughs in the field of neuroscience, and several small m...
                                        Peptide Conjugates: An Emerging New Era in Targeted Therapy Oral Contributed
                                          Peptide conjugates represent a new chemical modality that exploits peptides with high specific affin...
                                          Undergraduate Research Posters: Medicinal Chemistry Poster Contributed