Committee on Chemical Technical Professionals: Call for Abstracts

Submission Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024

Program Chair(s): Michelle Rivard

Note: Submission deadlines are at 11:59 EST on the day posted. Symposia, organizers and deadlines are subject to change. Last updated September 18, 2024.

Title    Type    Submission Type Organizer Cosponsor Description
Chemical Technical Professionals in the Public Health Laboratory Oral Contributed
    Chemical technical professionals are an important part of the public health laboratory workforce, in...
    Chemical Technician Professionals with Disabilities: A Panel Discussion with Successful Chemists (Invited) Oral Invited
      Managing Quality in the Laboratory: Tips & Tricks Oral Contributed
        The collaborative and interactive symposium will feature tips and tricks for laboratory quality and ...
        National Chemical Technician Award Symposium (Invited) Oral Invited
          Invited symposium to honor National Chemical Technician Award winner.
          Stories From the Bench & Field: Research from Chemical Technical Professionals Oral Contributed
            The purpose of this symposium is to provide a platform for chemical technical professionals to share...
            Stories From the Bench & Field: Research from Chemical Technical Professionals Poster Contributed
              The purpose of this symposium is to provide a platform for chemical technical professionals to share...