Division of Computers in Chemistry: Call for Abstracts

Submission Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024

Program Chair(s): Alex Dickson, Henry Woodcock, Kira Campbell

Note: Submission deadlines are at 11:59 EST on the day posted. Symposia, organizers and deadlines are subject to change. Last updated September 18, 2024.

Title    Type    Submission Type Organizer Cosponsor Description
ACS Award for Computers in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (Invited) Oral Invited
    CCG Poster Session Poster Contributed
      Cheminformatics Education Resources Oral Contributed
        Today's graduating chemistry majors are entering a workforce where programming skills are essential ...
        COMP Poster Session Poster Contributed
          Computational Approaches to Optimizing Antibody-Drug Conjugates Oral Contributed
            Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) have emerged as an increasingly important therapeutic modality in on...
            Computational Chemistry in Small Business: The Power of Consultants and Small Teams to Elevate Industry Oral Contributed
              Computational chemistry saves time, saves money, and helps filter out off-pathway projects. This sy...
              Drug Design Oral Contributed
                Generative Modeling for Chemistry, Biology, & Material Discovery Oral Contributed
                  Generative modeling is an emerging machine learning algorithm where complex objects, such as molecul...
                  Machine Learning for Molecular Simulation & Design (Invited) Oral Invited
                    Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful tool in the field of chemistry, offering innovative ...
                    Machine Learning in Chemistry Oral Contributed
                    • CINF
                    Materials Science Oral Contributed
                      Methods and Applications on Simulating Excited States: Molecular Dynamics, Spectroscopy and Catalysis (Invited) Oral Invited
                        Simulating excited-state molecular dynamics: Methods and applications Organizers: Tammie Gi...
                        Molecular Mechanics Oral Contributed
                          Multi-scale Modeling of Biomolecular Condensates (Invited) Oral Invited
                            The upcoming symposium on "Multi-scale Modeling of Biomolecular Condensates" aims to bring together ...
                            Nvidia GPU Award Poster Contributed
                              OpenEye Cadence Molecular Sciences Outstanding Junior Faculty Award Oral Contributed
                                OpenEye Cadence Molecular Sciences Outstanding Junior Faculty Award Poster Contributed
                                  Quantum Mechanics Oral Contributed
                                  • PHYS
                                  Reaction Coordinate and Advanced Sampling: Biophysical Understanding and Drug Discovery (Invited) Oral Invited
                                    The computational study of slow, large-scale and functionally important conformational transitions o...
                                    Undergraduate Research Posters: Computational Chemistry Poster Contributed
                                      Using Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Computing-enabled Tools to Study Biomolecular Assembly (Invited) Oral Invited
                                        This symposium will feature the latest advances in the theoretical and computational modeling of bio...
                                        Virtual Graduate Students Symposium in Asia-Pacific Region on Computational Chemistry Oral Contributed
                                          Wiley Poster Session Poster Contributed