Division of Chemical Information: Call for Abstracts

Submission Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024

Program Chair(s): Terri Bui, Margaret Lafferty

Note: Submission deadlines are at 11:59 EST on the day posted. Symposia, organizers and deadlines are subject to change. Last updated October 9, 2024.

Title    Type    Submission Type Organizer Cosponsor Description
Chemical Information Across the Chemistry Enterprise Poster Contributed
    This poster session will highlight the intersection of chemical information and other chemistry disc...
    Cheminformatics Education Resources Oral Contributed
      Today's graduating chemistry majors are entering a workforce where programming skills are essential ...
      Chemoinformatics in the Open Science Era: From Data Science to Artificial Intelligence Oral Contributed
        This symposium focuses on open science contributions with a potentially transformative impact on the...
        Cloud Databases & Screening for Virtual Drug Discovery Oral Contributed
          Much drug discovery is moving to virtual screen methods in the cloud- either searching compound data...
          Ethical Issues of AI in Scientific Communication Oral Contributed
          • ETHX
          Ethical issues of AI in scientific communication
          Evaluating AI-powered Tools for Learning & Research in Chemistry from End User Perspectives Oral Contributed
            With the significant growth of AI-powered tools for learning and research in Chemistry, assessing th...
            Extended Reality (XR) & Chemical Education Oral Contributed
              Extended Reality is evolving at a rapid pace and is quickly entering the chemistry classroom. Extend...
              Generative Modeling for Chemistry, Biology, & Material Discovery Oral Contributed
                Generative modeling is an emerging machine learning algorithm where complex objects, such as molecul...
                Machine Learning and AI for Organic Chemistry Oral Contributed
                  This symposium will focus on the application of data science and machine learning techniques to the ...
                  Machine Learning for Molecular Simulation & Design (Invited) Oral Invited
                    Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful tool in the field of chemistry, offering innovative ...
                    Rebuilding Public Trust in Chemistry Oral Contributed
                      COVID-19 pandemic opened a door for opportunistic publication practices. For example, turnaround tim...
                      Trusted Scientific Information for Public Policy (Invited) Oral Invited
                        Reliable information is crucial for effective public policy discussion and decision-making. Policyma...